This blog is a place where I document the adventure of creating positive change in my life. I hope the examples inspire your own process.
How to Get In Shape, for Life
What happens when we achieve our fitness goals is we go back to how we were before. The way forward is integrating a long-term lifestyle change where movement and exercise are part of our habits.
Find Your Success Blueprint: Schwarzenegger, Holiday, Romero
What does Arnold Schwarzenegger, Ryan Holiday, and John Romero have in common? Check out my latest YouTube video where I examine the powerful strategies these icons use to conquer challenges and achieve their goals.
You Need a Hobby
When the world is going crazy, it helps to have a hobby to anchor us to something positive and meaningful in our lives.
11 quotes from Think and Grow Rich that inspire action.
Some of my favourite quotes from the book, selected and structured in such a way as to take you from unmotivated to taking action.
Achieve your Dreams with Ease
If we were aware of our fullest potential, would we achieve our wildest dreams?
Don't Like Training Legs?
Find yourself unmotivated to train legs? Yeah I did too, until I started thinking about it this way
Are Squats Not Hard Enough?
Get back in shape and challenge yourself with 30 days of squats. In this video we are going to find out why it is the most efficient bodyweight exercise and make your very own CUSTOM programme.